Nor sure whats wrong, but nothing i try is working.

(nothing changes when clicked)

The email Seem to arrive, but nothing else thou

Did you modify iptables or disable docker’s ability to modify iptables?

Docker will add a DOCKER-USER and DOCKER chain to the “filter” table when permitted to, but you can disable that, which subjects your containers to iptables FW rules:

Docker Documentation Icon Packet filtering and firewalls

Also make sure all your containers are up and running.

docker compose ps
docker ps

Looking more closely at your screenshots, your dovecot container’s health is poor. Did you check the container’s logs as well?

docker compose logs –tail=100 dovecot-mailcow

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Yeah, IPtables were the issue. Its set on truenas by default to of. Is there a way to bypass it for specific containers?
Not sure if i break truenas with that, but on rebott it automatically sets it to false again:

Not sure re: bypassing for specific containers. But arguably this is a situation where mixing multiple products on the same machine is problematic.

Seems you have 2 options:

  1. Move mailcow to its own server.

  2. Ensure iptables has proper logging in place so you can figure out the rules to add to enable the containers to talk to each other.

    Another option: would it be possible to move mailcow in a docker container with all the containers inside? would probably fix it too.

    You mean docker within docker? Now we’re getting interesting!

    I suppose that would work, but you’d still have to contend with iptables for your outer docker container so the traffic can get in/out of it.

      No, because without IPtabels i can use docker in host mode

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