today all of a sudden in the recycle bin I see only 3 mails and not all the messages I had moved, is it possible to know if there is a setting that deletes them automatically? is it possible to know in which exact path the messages are saved on the server?
also accessing from the SOGo interface I see a folder inside the recycle bin that I have deleted before, in fact using outlook in imap, I don’t see it, but from the Sogo interface it remains visible and when I try to delete or open it it tells me “unable to communicate with the mail server” and then “ unable to delete the item as it doesn’t exist” and as a log I see the following string:
Oct 3 17:03:54 6cb61d4487e4 sogod [68]: [ERROR] <0x0x5618f019aef0[NGImap4Connection]> could not select URL: imap://info%40domain.it@ {RawResponse = "{ResponseResult = {description = \"Mailbox doesn't exist: Trash/ex (0.002 + 0.001 + 0.001 secs).\"; result = no; tagId = 6; }; }"; reason = "Mailbox doesn't exist: Trash/ex (0.002 + 0.001 + 0.001 secs)."; result = 0; }
is it possible to fix this bug?