I updated to mailcow 2022-06 from 2022-05c or 2022-05b (dont remember) and had to disable selinux for connection to SQL to work again

host system is AlmaLinux release 8.6 (RHEL)
docker v20.10.17
docker compose v1.29.2

all docker containers were up, just could not access sql or talk to each other. However, could access the containers EXTERNALLY, for example, imap server was still allowing external connections.

rspamd-mailcow_1     | Waiting for PHP on port 9001...
dovecot-mailcow_1    | Waiting for database to come up...
rspamd-mailcow_1     | Waiting for PHP on port 9001...
sogo-mailcow_1       | Waiting for database to come up...
postfix-mailcow_1    | Waiting for database to come up...
php-fpm-mailcow_1    | Waiting for SQL...
watchdog-mailcow_1   | Waiting for SQL...
dovecot-mailcow_1    | Waiting for database to come up...
sogo-mailcow_1       | Waiting for database to come up...
postfix-mailcow_1    | Waiting for database to come up...
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