My system has been running without issues. I updated yesterday and now face the issue that I can’t log into SOGo Webmail anymore.
If I enter a wrong password I get the appropriate Wrong user/password massage. When I enter a right combination I get
a red ‘Unhandled error response’ message.
In the logs I can see a successful login event ’SOGoRootPage successful login from ‘’ for user ‘xxx@yyy.zz’ - expire = -1 grace = -1′
Working in tech myself I hate ’I did nothing and after the update it doesn’t work anymore’ messages but that’s what has happened.
I can still login into the SOGo mailbox via the SOGo button in the admin interface, just native login via SOGo login screen stoppd working and I can’t find any log entries other than the successful login one. IMAP also works without issue