Hi I wanted to change the SOGo theme to a dark theme and I was wondering if anyone can help me with a config I would really appreciate it
Need help with SOGo theme
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Also looking for a darktheme for Sogo, the dark theme David made is a good start but obviously without everything it’s not production ready, looking for how to modify it further myself.
Yeah having trouble getting some parts colored like after when you login
Is there any progress on the Sogo theming? Am trying to darken Sogo myself. So far no luck…
AlexBeakes Did you see the version i made its not done but I have no idea how to fix some other elements after login like the editor
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Yes, and I have also tried to fix the email list and email content theming… nothing seems to work, background is still light….
I have an idea of using custom-theme.js and theme.css (not sure how the file is called, but there is documentation on mailcow-dockerized)
Currently only tried custom-theme.js…
I made dark theme - NlightN22/sogo-dark-red
poqdavid I made the changes manually, and you can see them at the end of the file. I added comments in some places. When I try to create the same using custom-theme.js, it doesn’t work properly. It only changes the base components of the theme, not all of them, as far as I remember.