I tried to update to the latest version this morning from 2022-03a but the update script returned this error:
`root@meteorite:/opt/mailcow-dockerized# ./update.sh
fatal: unsafe repository (‘/opt/mailcow-dockerized’ is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add safe.directory /opt/mailcow-dockerized
Checking internet connection… OK
Checking for newer update script…
fatal: unsafe repository (‘/opt/mailcow-dockerized’ is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add safe.directory /opt/mailcow-dockerized
fatal: unsafe repository (‘/opt/mailcow-dockerized’ is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add safe.directory /opt/mailcow-dockerized
Are you sure you want to update mailcow: dockerized? All containers will be stopped. [y/N] n
OK, exiting.
I could add the exception, however I’d much rather have the directory owned by the proper user. Should that be root? Also, wondering if I did something wrong or if there was a recent breaking change.
Thank you.