
When I try docker-compose up -d it returns that

WARN[0000] The "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. 
1 error(s) decoding:

* error decoding 'Ports': Invalid ip address :: address ::: too many colons in address

I am not super familiar with servers, so I am pretty sorry if it’s basics.
I just wanted to make mail server, and I was following YouTube Icon this

tutorial, but I am struggling at the beginning.

  1. I removed mariaDB and postfix (what I had before)
  2. I had already installed docker and docker-compose
  3. I went to /opt and became su (sudo su)
  4. I clone repo via https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized.git
  5. I generated config via ./generate_config.sh
    5.1. I typed mail server hostname as name.hryszko.dev when I am owner of hryszko.dev
    5.2. I confirmed TZ as EU/Berlin
    5.3. I disabled ClamAV
  6. I tried to run docker via docker-compose up -d and I got this

My server provider is Hetzner and DNS provider is cloudflare (origin namecheap)

Could some1 please help to fix this, I really tried but this is pretty hard for me,
Thank you very much in advance!

  • Follow the Mailcow documentation. You are probably using Docker Compose 2.x, only 1.x is supported.

Follow the Mailcow documentation. You are probably using Docker Compose 2.x, only 1.x is supported.

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Thank you, yes I used docker-compose 2.x

  • Ani replied to this.
    a month later

    I am also facing the same issue, I have tried with docker-compose version 1.25.0 and 1.29.2(which is latest) none of them worked for me. Shirobachi how you solve your issue.

    So u need use docker v1.x and be sure that ports what mailcow will use are free

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