Hello everyone!!
I need help with the next question.

I have enabled the email forwarding from the mailbox alex.k@oxgaming.com to the mailbox alex.smesh@gmail.com in the SOGo web interface.

Then I sent a test email from the Gmail mailbox alex.k@oxtech.org to the mailbox alex.k@oxgaming.com.

An error appeared in Rsapmd UI at the bottom of the History tab.
12/2/2021, 6:11:30 PM normal 44 lua 4594da signing failure: cannot make request to load DKIM selector for domain oxtech.org: nil

If I’m not mistaken, then rspamd decided that the oxtech.org domain was internal and tried to sign the letter.

Can you please tell me how this can be fixed?

Here are the rspamd and postfix logs.
Gist Icon mailcowdockerized_postfix-mailcow_1

Gist Icon mailcowdockerized_rspamd-mailcow_1
Gist Icon Gist
mailcowdockerized_rspamd-mailcow_1. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
mailcowdockerized_rspamd-mailcow_1. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

3 months later

I’m facing the same issues here, where all mails are forwarded to Gmail-accounts (or well, almost all).

Did you manage to find a proper way of handling this?

In the following thread

, there’s a few hints:

diekuh Rspamd probably tries to sign the domain as it thinks it is internal.

All useful filtering and neural/bayes learning is not applied when you terminate the connection pre-mailcow and do not pass the connectors IP. I don’t recommend it at all.

Remember to set the gw as forwarding host and don’t be mad when filtering is not as good.

jzt308 Ok so if I understand you correctly the most probable reason this message shows is because of the mailrelay on the firewall. So the reccomended setup is to just foreward the smtp connection directly to the email (mailcow) server and let it do all the antivirus and spam checks.
thnx for the help.

But I’m not really sure on how to fix this on my instance.

Maybe we could ask @jzt308 😃 ?

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    exetico yes you can 😉. I solved this by removing my mailrelay. My setup was sophos XG (as mailrelay) > mailcow. The side effect was Rspam not working correcly as i posted in this forum. I’ve switched over to opnsense as firewall without mailrelay. Solved the issue in my case. Hope this helps you.

      2 months later

      jzt308 Okay. Thank you. I don’t really see that a solution. It’s sounds more like a work-around to me. But I’m surprised that it’s difficult to find tips and tricks related to this issue. There must be other than me and you, forwarding most mails to Gmail - instead of using the time-frequency limited POP3 pull-solution.

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