Hi there,
I switched to MailCow about a year ago now from iRedMail and am very pleased with the quality of the system. However, for about two months now, I’ve had a crippling performance issue that I can’t track down. After an hour or two of running, the system gets so saturated that even my ssh connections time out – which is a big problem since I’m remote and have no local access. Whatever the cause, stopping the mailcow containers immediately restores access to the system.
Watchdog appears to say all containers are healthy with the exception of ipv6nat. I don’t believe that ip6 is available at the host connection.
Here’s a quick look at the system usage moments before I was disconnected and locked out for another long run of trying to fight through timeouts to restart the containers:
# docker stats
a63ab638839e mailcowdockerized_rspamd-mailcow_1 0.14% 189.8MiB / 3.195GiB 5.80% 41MB / 1.18MB 9.19MB / 958kB 5
3cb011bb7583 mailcowdockerized_netfilter-mailcow_1 0.01% 11.62MiB / 3.195GiB 0.36% 0B / 0B 0B / 0B 6
c2fc19010a1c mailcowdockerized_acme-mailcow_1 0.00% 536KiB / 3.195GiB 0.02% 22.5kB / 22.7kB 3.21MB / 0B 3
78454838060b mailcowdockerized_dovecot-mailcow_1 0.07% 99.3MiB / 3.195GiB 3.03% 1.32MB / 2.39MB 24.3MB / 56.8MB 29
95a1eb888d5e mailcowdockerized_postfix-mailcow_1 0.03% 42.1MiB / 3.195GiB 1.29% 419kB / 959kB 13MB / 2.33MB 28
4d94eee4148e mailcowdockerized_nginx-mailcow_1 0.00% 2.918MiB / 3.195GiB 0.09% 23MB / 2.8MB 1.43MB / 41kB 4
19bd1d73dc26 mailcowdockerized_mysql-mailcow_1 0.10% 90.73MiB / 3.195GiB 2.77% 10kB / 736B 30.5MB / 5.98MB 48
1268721f9d3b mailcowdockerized_php-fpm-mailcow_1 0.01% 39.86MiB / 3.195GiB 1.22% 4.37MB / 23MB 12.7MB / 16.4kB 10
c580f13bbda7 mailcowdockerized_olefy-mailcow_1 0.00% 7.562MiB / 3.195GiB 0.23% 33.3kB / 13.4kB 1.39MB / 0B 1
b3eee586e331 mailcowdockerized_watchdog-mailcow_1 0.34% 7.945MiB / 3.195GiB 0.24% 5.14MB / 1.08MB 6.25MB / 5.59MB 37
b382c8c21da4 mailcowdockerized_unbound-mailcow_1 0.00% 8.121MiB / 3.195GiB 0.25% 837kB / 397kB 1.99MB / 90.1kB 1
02c3b60eb1c3 mailcowdockerized_memcached-mailcow_1 0.02% 1.82MiB / 3.195GiB 0.06% 34kB / 19.3kB 86kB / 0B 10
6bb8ab8538bb mailcowdockerized_dockerapi-mailcow_1 0.09% 23.38MiB / 3.195GiB 0.71% 343kB / 5.11MB 4.1MB / 16.4kB 2
08a813f15f83 mailcowdockerized_sogo-mailcow_1 0.16% 202.6MiB / 3.195GiB 6.19% 112kB / 271kB 8.77MB / 65.5kB 27
a5fa0c4fb513 mailcowdockerized_clamd-mailcow_1 0.00% 956.2MiB / 3.195GiB 29.22% 17.8MB / 261kB 23.1MB / 50.7kB 9
9dd3a5e5eacc mailcowdockerized_solr-mailcow_1 0.00% 372KiB / 3.195GiB 0.01% 12.1kB / 736B 0B / 0B 2
c3c181438050 mailcowdockerized_redis-mailcow_1 0.22% 15.95MiB / 3.195GiB 0.49% 2.76MB / 44.4MB 618kB / 68.6MB 4
a37cbce38bac mailcowdockerized_ipv6nat-mailcow_1 0.18% 4.367MiB / 3.195GiB 0.13% 0B / 0B 1.72MB / 0B 9
Grateful for any ideas, performance tips, or troubleshooting suggestions.