So, yeah, I know Ubuntu 20.04 just dropped, and there’s not a lot of experience with it yet.
However, if anyone has data, I’d appreciate any feedback you can offer.
I did an install of MC, and used the stock Ubuntu 20.04 docker package.
The distro version of Docker is 19.03.8 and compose is 1.25.0
These all seem pretty current.
Is there any reason not to use the distro version now that it’s pretty current? [There’s all the advantages of using the distro version, in terms of security updates/patches/stability etc - and I’d like to keep those, unless there’s some huge issue with using the distro version.]
MC seemed to install fine - and while I haven’t’ done a ton of testing, I can get into the Control panel and manipulate things, so it seems like all is good.
Glad for any thoughts.