Ich lasse immer von meiner nas ein backup auf meinen root server machen.
Mein PRoblem ist, das das Logfilebeim erstellen am ende immer nach einem . abgeschnitten wird.
Also als Beispiele diese Mail:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known
Fatal Error: Truncated header string (problem probably originated remotely)
Couldn’t start up the remote connection by executing
ssh -C backup@ rdiff-backup –server
Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
installed in the PATH on the remote system. See the man page for more
information on this. This message may also be displayed if the remote
version of rdiff-backup is quite different from the local version (2.0.5).
Using rdiff-backup version 2.0.5
with cpython /opt/bin/python3 version 3.9.4
on Linux-4.14.24-qnap-x86_64-with-glibc2.27, fs encoding utf-8
Executing ssh -C backup@ rdiff-backup –server
Es wird nach dieser Zeile:
version of rdiff-backup is quite different from the local version (2.0.5).
der Mail versandt beendet und alles was danach kommt in das log file gepackt, eine verbose ansicht beim versenden sieht so aus:
–> Fatal Error: Truncated header string (problem probably originated remotely)
–> Couldn’t start up the remote connection by executing
–> ssh -C backup@ rdiff-backup –server
–> Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
–> installed in the PATH on the remote system. See the man page for more
–> information on this. This message may also be displayed if the remote
–> version of rdiff-backup is quite different from the local version (2.0.5).
–> .
<– 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as XXXXXXXXXXXX
<– 221 2.0.0 Bye
Im log file landet:
Using rdiff-backup version 2.0.5
with cpython /opt/bin/python3 version 3.9.4
on Linux-4.14.24-qnap-x86_64-with-glibc2.27, fs encoding utf-8
Executing ssh -C backup@ rdiff-backup –server
Könnt ihr mir bitte helfen, das die mail erst verschickt wird, wen die abarbeitung des unten genannten scrypits, fertig ist?
( printf “To: xxx@ssssss.ddd \nSubject: Rdiff-backup wurde am $(date +%A%d%m%Y%H%M) gestartet” ; nohup /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Entware/bin/rdiff-backup -v6 /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/RAID2/ backup@ >> /share/MD0_DATA/RAID1/log/backups/backup$(date +%A%d%m%Y_%H%M).log ) 2>&1 | msmtp -d xxx@ssssss.ddd