Hey Guys,
I have a big concern about restoring a Maildir.
Story: My Docker Setup got bricked by the userland proxy of docker that is still in use for whatever reason but even the documentation got removed.
What have I done to backup:
I backed up the entire folder where docker-compose is and run the helper-script to backup as much as possible. Note: Due to the Docker fail it was not possible to start every container to backup everything according to the helper-script.
At least the Maildir Folders are fine to import back to a new mailcow instance.
I checked already this Github Issue how to add the old emails again without success.
I used the helper-script to restore everything possible: I time the complete restore process and one time only vmail for instance. I did do something but mailcow never showed that my data is successfully imported.
Is there an alternative Reader for Maildir, if Mailcow can not import the data again?
tldr: I got a backup from a bricked mailcow instance and cannot import the data with the helper script
I really hope somebody can help me to end this nightmere.
Best Regards