Since IP change on the server, the IMAP seems not able to function. I can’t get to it via SOGo or IMAP client.
There isn’t any error messages from Devocot. Not sure how to do it.
03/31/2021, 09:22:55 PM info imap(<210><4SrgleG+zKysFgH4>: Logged out in=288 out=12474 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=1 hdr_bytes=6513 body_count=1 body_bytes=3561
03/31/2021, 09:22:55 PM info imap-login: Login:, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=210
On the SOGo log
1 of 20
03/31/2021, 10:03:12 PM notice [85]: “POST /SOGo/so/ HTTP/1.0” 200 21/31 0.142 - - 0 - 23
03/31/2021, 10:03:12 PM notice [85]: [ERROR] <0×5566cd590a20[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4
03/31/2021, 10:03:12 PM notice <0×0×5566cd3fab40[NGImap4Client]: address=<0×0×5566cd309270[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host= port=143>>****