Hello all,

Sorry for the noob question, am a fresh newcomer to mailcow which I find just fantastic.

I have a large collection of whitelisted email addresses and domains from my webmin/virtualmin days, how can import it into mailcow? I have seen how to manually enter whitelist items one at a time and that works great, but I cannot find an option to import a whole list. I looked through the rspamd webui, where I found a number of editable config files, but I couldn’t find the one containing the couple of whitelisted items I manually entered.



    • Forum Staff
    • volunteer
    Moolevel 48

Do you want to add the whitelist globally or per mailbox?
If former you could edit global_mime_from_whitelist.maps / global_smtp_from_whitelist.map
in /mailcow-dockerized/data/conf/rspamd/custom
global_mime_from_whitelist.map: matches the “From” header
global_smtp_from_whitelist.map: matches the envelope or “Return-Path” header

For single mailboxes you need to touch the mysql DB afaik

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