I set up outbound SMTP relay through Amazon SES and can successfully send email, but now I am having trouble with receiving emails all of a sudden. This is the error:
168D02C006C: to=svarto@mydomain.com, relay=none, delay=36, delays=5.8/0.03/30/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.mydomain.com[myip]:25: Connection timed out)
I have been changing DNS but I think all should be OK, this is what I have for MX:
mydomain.com -> 10 mail.mydomain.com
mailfrom.mydomain.com -> 20 feedback-smtp.eu-central-1.amazonses.com.
I can share more of the DNS but not sure if the other ones are relevant for receiving email and with the above error? Let me know and I am happy to provide, just been pulling my hair out here and hope someone can help me.