omexlu Hi @diekuh, I was now able to successfully set up XMPP and it seems to work wonderfully as well. However, I still have the following questions: Foreign users without MailCow account can not create channels? At what point are old messages deleted? It might make sense to add a purge function so that old messages are deleted when they are read to save disk space. Thanks in advance.
diekuh If you want to write with me, please use the ticket system or write a personal mail etc. That’s a public community. 🙂 I already said to please wait for a doc update. Plus I think there are already open threads about XMPP.
omexlu I will do, I’m still waiting for the docs, maybe that’s in there 🙂 would be good anyway if the messages delete themselves after some time not that the plate is full quickly. And maybe also implement it in Watchdog and where else it belongs in there