Hi all,

after upgrading docker (through apt) restarting of mailcow-dockerized fails for some containers (postfix, dovecot e.g.):

Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container 6d5dd34b45de: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint mailcowdockerized_postfix-mailcow_1 (24ecf113debf4f2b902066f07b0ec3d5a8ae1d1ae2c2c91c2c89634809fee46e): Bind for [IPV6 removed]:587 failed: port is already allocated

It doesn’t matter if I do a docker-compose restart or a docker-compose down - I always have to fully stop mailcow-dockerized and restart my docker daemon; afterwards all comes up.

I have bound my containers to a specific IPV6 adress in docker-compose-override:

- ‘IPV6 removed:143:143’
- ‘IPV6 removed:993:993’
- ‘IPV6 removed:110:110’
- ‘IPV6 removed:995:995’
- ‘IPV6 removed:4190:4190’

- ‘IPV6 removed:25:25’
- ‘IPV6 removed:465:465’
- ‘IPV6 removed:587:587’

The setup ran well for months now. The problem now might be related to the docker upgrade - any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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