I have shared a folder from one account to another using the “Sharing…” menu in webmail. All permission options are checked, but still I cannot delete mail from the other account. Is this a bug? Does anyone else have this issue?

  • esackbauer

    • Community Hero
    Moolevel 354

Please explain in more detail.
What is the exact error message and where does it pop up?
Which client does the delete? SOGo? Thunderbird? Outlook?
Is this a system folder like Junk, Archive, Trash etc?
Have you checked the logs (dovecot or Sogo)?

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Testing now I can no longer reproduce the issue. Apparently it takes a while for changes in permissions to take effect? But when I try to remove or re-add the permissions now it works instantly.

Also interesting, but not related to my first requestion as I had all permissions enabled; to delete email using Thunderbird, the “expunge this folder” permission is required. Why is “erase mail from this folder” not enough?

    • esackbauer

      • Community Hero
      Moolevel 354

    derkades Why is “erase mail from this folder” not enough?

    I guess this gives you only the right to move mails to the trash folder. To completely delete them (expunge) you need more rights.

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