I want to be able to open app links e.g. webmail, custom links etc. in a new page. As it is now it takes you away from the admin panel and straight to e.g. webmail.
Does anyone know how I can change the way links in apps open?
Apps link
I would guess right mouse button and open in new tab, or fork Mailcow and DYI
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Thank you but "right mouse button and open in new tab# is not want i want to do.
For me is with be an good practic to open in new page.
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Ok than you most likely you will need to modify source code of Mailcow, that can be achieved by forking and modifying original source or by using browser plugin like Greasemonkey that allow you to modify webpage from browser in same sort of automation perspective
Or try to add request in in Mailcow git if developer sees your proposition as usefull they may make this change for future release, also you can consider Support Mailcow, this way you get paid support for your request https://www.servercow.de/mailcow?lang=en#support
This is for the client logg in with only e-mail so i have to modify source code and i can do it if i now where to do it.
Is it someone now how to do this?
Thank you for the replay.
It seems this base templates do not affect at the app links at all.
Any other suggestion?
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Did you try to understand what you are doing? How about try to read the code by yourself? 6 line later, similar link from different source named app_links
Yes i know what to do, but in fact i can remove all the line in base templates without affect anythings (to test)
It must be some another place this must be done.
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Have you properly restarted the stack?
docker compose down
docker compose up -d
Also you should check if some kind of cache is involved that you need to invalidate, this could be done by down & up, but not sure, from top of mine head there is at least some cache on php container mem/opcache or something like this. Also this app/template is written in twig some cache can be part of twig too you need to dig deeper if you want to modify stack by yoursel,โฆ
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If i change the file in base.twig in line 99 and in line 105 and then use like esackbauer say all is work very well!
When cahnge the line 105 also the new added app links open in new page.
The code is: <a href=โ{{ app.link }}โ class=โdropdown-itemโ target=โ_blankโ>{{ app.name }}</a>
Thank you for your help!
Thank you!
That help me out
Thank you!
That help me out
Thank you!
That help me out
Do you think the editet code in base.twig will be writing over when update Mailcow?