I’m currently trying to create a folder using Rclone and point vmail-vol-1 to that folder, so I can have nearly unlimited cloud storage. However, Google Cloud Storage doesn’t allow symlinks, and none of its services support them. I’ve tried searching for a solution, but both Sieve and Dovecot rely heavily on symlinks. When they attempt to store symlinks in the folder, it causes errors and stops working. Is there any way to make this setup work?

Not that I am aware of. Someone tried it also with S3 storage, but also no luck as the required file system features are missing.
Maybe mailpiler as archive solution is a better approach. However I have no experience with that, as I have more than enough local storage.

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Damn. I’m still trying though. I’m trying to disable symlinks, and if it breaks the API, I will look for other solutions, like changing the symlink folder to local storage. But there are too many locations to check and tests to run.
Thanks for the answer

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