Hey Mailcow Community,
I’m currently facing the issue that after updating my iPhone yesterday I’m not able to get into mailbox using IOS Mail App. I get the following message:
Unable to create a secure connection to the server (invalid certificate format -9.808)
With IOS 17.X I had no issues. I only need to trust the certificate which is strange because its a letsencrypt cert but never mind it worked. I also removed the account and added but still the same issue. The letsencrypt cert is also not expired because its 1 month old.
My Setup:
VPS Cloud Server
Docker Mailcow
Docker Caddy
Mailcow and some other services like nextcloud and a webserver is running behind Caddy.
Caddy is managing all my certificates and I installed mailcow with the offical docs.
And everything worked fine expect after updating to a new IOS Version.
Does anybody else have this issue?
I have read about other mail problems with IOS 18
It would be awesome to troubleshoot this together.
If you need more information please let me know.