Musing with mailcow since september and more or less it is working, but all these little settings are killing me: I learn the hard way, and it is really the hard way.

Well, I use grafana for observabilty and I observe everthing. I wrote some code to scrap the mailcow api, and it is fine, now I observe the mailboxes, the queue, the quarantine and I am able to add some alerts, in case…

Today I would like to observe rspamd. In mailcow settings it is possible to add a password to the app and then manage rspamd :

But I want to get access to the rsqpamd API. When I use the stat endpoint :

all I get is this json :

"error": "Unauthorized"

If I curl it:

 curl -u "admin:mypassword" http://localhost:40080/rspamd/stat

So, is there any mailcow guru here that can help me to gain access to the rspamd api?

Thanks in advance, rr

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