Hello. We have a brand new (as of last week) Mailcow-dockerized installation on Debian having moved from Iredmail that we used for about 6 years. So far, I’m loving it and have only run into one issue I can’t seem to find any information on. My understanding is that if an item is moved from the junk folder to the inbox it should be learned as ham and stay in the inbox. What happens here is that the item goes right back to the junk folder immediately. This behavior seems independent of the client as it occurs in both Sogo and Thunderbird. We don’t seem to have a way to move item marked as Junk to the inbox permanently. While I don’t know for sure that such items are not being learned as ham, I suspect not. The behavior suggests that the item is immediately seen as spam in the inbox, and moved right back to junk.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Is Thunderbird closed when you move the mail with SOGo? Otherwise if there is a rule in Thunderbird, it would do it again, no matter what you do in SOGo.

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Thank you, @esackbauer That was it. I had to remote into 4 sites for the account I was working on to shut down Thunderbird everywhere, but once I did that, the move in SOGo worked as expected. Now I just need to go through those instances of Thunderbird to determine which one(s) have the offending rule defined.

Thanks again!

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