Hello mailcow community!

im using mailcow for a year now and really like it!
I got an S/MIME certificate and added it to my mail clients and sogo webui. SMIME signing and encrypting works as expected. Receiving signed or encrypted emails works as well.
Now the issue: If i have an email body that was encrypted with S/MIME other mail clients (IMAP iOS Mailapp, IMAP Outlook Mailapp) decrypt the mail and show the body correctly (umlaute äüöß etc. ). If i open the same email in sogo web signing and decrypting work, but umlaute in the mailbody are shown as “test üäöß” it should be “test äüöß”. The subject line is not affected (äüö are shown as äüö), leading me to belief this an issue with sogo smime decrypting. Sending the same mail again with only smime signing, no encrypting, shows no issue. I can reprocude this issue with multiple senders.

In the past i had also an issue (display name with üäöß does not show correctly in sogo webui and on receiving mail clients) with utf-8 encoding in sogo webui. I had to edit the data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf, but sadly i do not know what change was neccessary (or if the issue has been fixed in the mean time)

Do i need to make special changes to allow these special german characters for S/MIME? Please tell me if you need any additional information or if i can do something for you.

Thank you so much,
Best regards
Felix Meißner

debian 12 vmware
2 cores, 16 GB ram, 50/100 gb storage
docker 27.3.1
docker compose 2.29.7
mailcow dockerized 2024-11b (installed via script)

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