I supposed this would be a common situation, but didn’t find it in the documentation*, so I’ll going to ask it here:
Currently, I have several mailboxes running at my domain at a webspace provided by a commercial provide.
I aim to set up my own mail system (on new IP) using mailcow and migrate the users/mailboxes including the domain to it. I thought that I just could set up mailcow and test it, migrate the data / the user including their imaps and if all runs fine, transfer the domain to the new system - so my users will not see much of the migration.
However, I can’t set up mailcow without naming a domain. So, my question is, could I name the final domain to the installation process, even if it is not already pointing to the server where mailcow runs? And then do the setup with the IP only and later transfer the domain. Or what is the recommended way to do it?
*) All I could find in the docu was migration from an old mailcow to a a new one, but here I ask about migrating from elsewhere to mailcow.