I see few options
1) made custom template and set display:none using css to hide those icons
2) Disable SoGo in mailcow.conf via SKIP_SOGO=Y
, when web UI is needed install RoundCube
3) Hack Mailcow (hidden below)
DISCLAIMER: Totally unsupported by Mailcow, do this only on you own risk
Well, look into SoGo docs for your options, as far I can find you are able to do this only in two sections LDAP or SQL auth settings here via ModulesConstraints
So now go find how Mailcow implement use auth, ok looking for keyword SOGoUserSources
(keyword found in Sogo docs), found here
This file is used every time when docker container kick in, so you need to update it inside container so docker exec -it f7eda74a8c41 bash
(change your id), edit this file /bootstrap-sogo.sh
ok but it’s XML not JSON from docs, convert it by how it’s xml structured (only end part,…):
</dict>" >> /var/lib/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/sogod.plist
exit from container, composer down/up done