i am searching for a while now for a solution to handle SPAM in mailcow for all mailboxes domains.
INFO: I have no direct access to the server (done by 3rd party), but admin access to the mailcow UI.
So working with server files is not a solution for me.
I know that we can whitelist/blacklist on domains:
E-mail > Configuration > Edit on one of the domains > Spam Filter

but with (in my example) 10 domains it would be a pain to keep those lists sync.
And then we got the Global filter maps:
System > Configuration > Global filter maps
after promising to be careful

we have a lot of maps:

So the “Global filter maps” seem to be the solution that i can find.
But the question is: how do you handle your SPAM list?
With SPAM list i mean partial FROM E-Mail-Addresses from mails that were not detected as spam (yet). F.e. foo.com, @bar.baz.net, .bar.net, …
I would wish for an option where you can define one or more http file(s) and mailcow reads them by {interval}.
Like a pihole list which can f.e. be in a git repo.
Thanks for your time,