When I run the update.sh script I get:

Great! Native IPv6 NAT is active.
Validating docker-compose stack configuration…
services must be a mapping
Oh no, something went wrong. Please check the error message above.

So I look in my docker-compose.orride and all it has is
before the update it had


  image: bash:latest
  restart: "no"
  entrypoint: ["echo", "ipv6nat disabled in compose.override.yml"]

So I tried restoring docker.compose.yml and the override files and run again. But the files get replaced again and the same error occurs. Not sure how to proceed. How can I get passed this issue?

  • Hello, according to git, is ipv6nat-mailcow legacy container, so it try to remove it.

    So if docker-compose.override.yml ends up almost empty, like this may cause this


    You can remove it.

    But it seems you had IPv6 disable so look into docs if you still need to disable IPv6, there was some bug in docker, in some version, so determine if you are still affected or whats change, what you need to do. Or start use IPv6.

Hello, according to GitHub Icon git

, is ipv6nat-mailcow legacy container, so it try to remove it.

So if docker-compose.override.yml ends up almost empty, like this may cause this


You can remove it.

But it seems you had IPv6 disable so look into docs.mailcow.email Icon docs

if you still need to disable IPv6, there was some bug in docker, in some version, so determine if you are still affected or whats change, what you need to do. Or start use IPv6.

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    ETNyx I guess the problem is IP6 is disabled but running the update wipes out my override file. In the Ubuntu network GUI IP6 is disabled. I will try to delete the override file but then will docker think IP6 is active when it isn’t?

    [unknown] So I just deleted the override file and yes it updated. After update I can send and receive email. I don’t know if IP6 is still disabled in docker, probably not.

      Tony95u Not sure, I do not disable IPv6.

      Anyway, read the docs.mailcow.email Icon docs

      , as far I’m able to understand, there was some bug in docker, that is why you did docker-override.yml. If your Docker version is affected I do not know. Also it seams that GitHub Icon update.sh
      GitHub Icon GitHub
      mailcow-dockerized/update.sh at 37beed6ad93f259b97cad41877982bce95295629 · mailcow/mailcow-dockerized
      mailcow: dockerized - 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕. Contribute to mailcow/mailcow-dockerized development by creating an account on GitHub.
      mailcow: dockerized - 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕. Contribute to mailcow/mailcow-dockerized development by creating an account on GitHub.
      is smart and is able to determine if you need this workaround . So I would suggest, make yourself a docs.mailcow.email Icon standby backup
      docs.mailcow.email Icon docs.mailcow.email
      Cold-standby (rolling backup) - mailcow: dockerized documentation
      remove override and test it, if it fails you can rollback.

      Tony95u So I just deleted the override file and yes it updated. After update I can send and receive email. I don’t know if IP6 is still disabled in docker, probably not.

      I see this in the docker compose
      driver: bridge
      com.docker.network.bridge.name: br-mailcow
      enable_ipv6: false
      driver: default
      - subnet: ${IPV4_NETWORK:-172.22.1}.0/24

      - subnet: ${IPV6_NETWORK:-fd4d:6169:6c63:6f77::/64}

      So looks to me it is recognizing that IPv6 is disabled. If the override is no longer needed then great. Let me know if you think I am missing anything

      I can’t get code to post correctly. That last line has a # that isn’t showing in chat so it is commented out

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