I do not know if this is just a visual glitch or something I have to worry about.
See screenshot (sorry all the edited areas, I am new to this and do not know what exactly I should and should not show into public just yet)

See how all rows have a green checkmark (as in “good”), unless the DMARC one?
Is that something indicating a problem?
The DMARC entry is simple:
"v=DMARC1; p=none;rua=mailto:dmarcreports@domain.tld"
where domain.tld is the domain which I made the mailbox for, and this DMARC is added to that domain’s DNS records.

mxtoolbox.com Icon https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=dmarc%3adomain.tld&run=toolpage

says it is all OK (unless the warning that DMARC Policy Not Enabled, which as far I understand you can’t until you do not know what policy you will want to apply based on the reports)

So I guess the missing green check is just a glitch?

Sorry if this is very OCD, it is a bit of an issue with me indeed 😛

    AFAIK hat’s only because there are multiple ways to configure DMARC. Nothing to worry

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    smileBeda says it is all OK (unless the warning that DMARC Policy Not Enabled, which as far I understand you can’t until you do not know what policy you will want to apply based on the reports)

    Nope, that’s because you set p=none

    DMARC policy none (p=none) is a relaxed mode that triggers no action on the receiver’s side. This policy can be used to monitor email activity and is typically used during the initial DMARC implementation phase for monitoring and data collection. It doesn’t provide any level of protection against cyberattacks and allows all messages to be delivered, regardless of authentication results. But that does not mean you need to wait for something to start using quarantine or reject policy.

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