SimplyCorbett What’s the proper way to proxy the mailcow nginx to the host nginx on a custom domain? Trying to proxy using proxy_pass for example just results in a bad gateway. It works fine when proxying to an external provider.
DocFraggle SimplyCorbett If you set this inside the Nginx container you are pointing to port 85 of your Nginx container, not your host system. You need to set it to one of the host system’s real IP addresses. And your service on port 85 of your host system must listen on one of those real IP addresses as well
SimplyCorbett esackbauer The docs cover using a reverse proxy in front of mailcow. I want mailcow to be the reverse proxy.
SimplyCorbett esackbauer How is it not possible? Working fine for me on external IP’s, I just can’t get it to communicate with localhost.
esackbauer You are trying to abuse mailcow for something it is not engineered. You might have problems if you update mailcow which can reset your reverse proxy configuration. I highly recommend to use a separate solution.
SimplyCorbett esackbauer I’m okay with that. Hopefully someone will be able to answer my question. Docker is fairly new to me so I’m sure the localhost has some specific ip for docker.
SimplyCorbett DocFraggle Thanks! That did work. I blame sleep deprivation. I was obsessed with