Sorry to be a so dim, but I am really not very clear about docker and exactly how it works … it is on my learn list though, but I am confused about exactly waht is required and how it ties together, what the information flow actually is across what boundaries.
I have had a look at the two links, but I am really not sure I follow what is required. I think it requires:-
1 - to install a local mta on the same machine that is running the mailcow docker instance
2 - disable the listener,
3 - modify the install to add a relay host
But I have several specific points about which I am unclear - and I would also appreciate an overview of how the two mta’s inter-operate. I feel uneasy to really begin setting this up as I am most unclear on the following. I could really do with a step-by-step guide somewhere if anyone has done this and wouldn’t mind sharing it.
1 - what config is required for the ‘local’ postfix mta?
2 - disable the listener on which mta? The docker or the ‘local’ mta?
if it is the local mta, how do the two interact and what config chnage on any mail apps is needed
3 - the section dealing with the following
postconf -e 'relayhost ='
postconf -e "mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128"
postconf -e "inet_interfaces = loopback-only"
postconf -e "relay_transport = relay"
postconf -e "default_transport = smtp"
is applied to which directory/file in which instance - the docker code or the local code
For now, those m are my biggest Qs. If you can point me in the direction of a step by step guide that would be really helpful. Either way, thank you for at the very least giving me a starting point.