Hi all,
i get warnings in mail client and browser due to missing MAILCOW_HOSTNAME in SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt.
It seems it has been renewed yesterday, at least it says: Validity=>Not Before: Sep 24 07:59:03 2024 GMT

Subject is CN = autoconfig.denominazione.de which is NOT the MAILCOW_HOSTNAME.

I found no error or something related to this in the logs.
Any hint highly appreciated!


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Thanks for your reply.

But, no, DNS Entries are there: A as well as AAAA entry.
mail.fabbrica.one. 3600 IN A
mail.fabbrica.one. 3600 IN AAAA 2a01:4f8:c013:1a10::1

If you browse to http://mail.fabbrica.one you reach an Apache server. Did you accidentally install Apache on your mailcow host?
Due to this Apache instance the Letsencrypt http verification for mail.fabbrica.one isn’t working

Seems like he uses a not properly configured reverse proxy.

Is it possible that you actually forgot to change CHANGE_TO_MAILCOW_HOSTNAME to your mailcow hostname?

No, MAILCOW_HOSTNAME is correctly set in mailcow.conf and also with same value in apaches ServerName directive.

You added an AAAA record as well for mail.fabbrica.one and I think we had another thread in this forum where we discovered that if an AAAA record exists this will be used to verify the certificate request (this may have been implemented just recently). Did you check your ACME container’s log to check if it’s trying to do that? I guess you didn’t include IPv6 in your reverse proxy config? Because in your linked example it isn’t configured.

EDIT: here’s the thread: mailcow community Icon ACME HTTP validation failed

@DocFraggle OUCH. This indeed may be part of or all of the problem.
Will check and come back.

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