Hello MailCow ComMOOnity!
Loving all the bovine meme’s etc… This is truly a great email system/service, especially love the EAS support on the back end. Thank you to all that contribute to this project.
So, I’m new here, I’ve migrated from Grommunio -> MailCow (dockerized) using ‘imapsync’ (another great piece of software).
So far, everything is working well, but I have a question regarding email filtering.
When using Grommunio, I can create an email filtering rule in Outlook, these rules would then show up in other Outlook instances I connect using my account. And would work as expected.
The (minor) issue I’m hitting right now: on the windows device running Outlook, the rule(s) appear only there in that instance. When I log into my other Windows 11 instances, the rules list is empty?
In Grommunio, this was not the case, an email rule would be seen in every instance of Outlook I connected to Grommunio, (my own account of course).
To test this, I created a few email rules in the SOGo WebMail interface, but still they don’t show up in Outlook. Conversely, when I create a rule in Outlook, only the Outlook instance where I created the rule would have it. The Webmail and other Outlook instances would be empty.
Is this ‘normal’, or am I out to lunch on email filtering? 🙂
Any pointer would be most appreciated.
Edit: I only use EAS protocol, I do not use IMAP services. As with Grommunio, only EAS service was used, not IMAP.