Hi, today i tried to install and configure a mailcow server on Digital Ocean, where port 25 its closed, but our intention its to use relay servers for communications. We manage DNS records on Cloudflare, and the entries we added were the A record and the MX record,and also configured the reverse dns. When we tried to obtain the certs for admin webpage and the rest of the services we got this : rror response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint mailcowdockerized-postfix-mailcow-1 (63e3b01d933ccb6c975b86831a421bafc418ecf6cf80b2e51803a0c2f97e7a21): failed to bind port Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
, even if we disabled all the checks from mailcow.conf, and no lets encrypt cert its generated or attached, the cert loaded it`s the self signed one.

I guess you are running a local Postfix or other mail server on your VM, you have to stop an disable it

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found it. it was an exim4 service installed. now i need to solve the SSL problem

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