Is it possible to create a global filter, that would work on the whole server, and could ignore periods in e-mail address? Just like Gmail is doing for accounts?

I need to solve the issue where I don’t use periods in e-mail like: for example: but people are sending messages for - I want to receive all messages in account even if someone is sending the message to I don’t want to create an alias for every account.

There’s a script on Icon Envelope | Stalwart Labs

which addresses this issue:

require ["variables", "envelope", "regex"];
if allof( envelope :localpart :contains "to" ".",
envelope :regex "to" "(.+)@(.+)$") {
set :replace "." "" "to" "${1}";
set "" "${to}@${2}";

However, mailcow cannot parse it. Is there any other solution for what I’m trying to do?

I used sievec to validate your script and got an error

Error: Unknown or incompatible type >>string/<< at >>:replace "." "" "to" "${1}"; set "" "$<<

so set :replace "." "" "to" "${1}"; seam to be wrong

ChatGPT think this about your script

Errors in the Script

    Incorrect set Command Usage:
        The set command in Sieve requires a variable name to be set directly. The current script attempts to set "," which is not directly supported as a variable in the Sieve scripting language. Instead, variables should be user-defined or predefined by the Sieve environment.

    Misuse of :replace Modifier:
        The :replace modifier is not a valid syntax in the context of the set command in Sieve. Instead, use the regex extension to perform replacements.

    Improper Handling of Regular Expressions and Captured Variables:
        Captured groups in the regex match should be accessed correctly. When using regular expressions in Sieve, you need to store the matched components explicitly into variables.

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