esackbauer Thanks for your replay, and sorry for not including this information in my post.
The System is on the latest version 2024-08a
The server’s system is ubuntu 22.04 desktop and mailcow is installed on bare metal and all installation done according to the instructions in the mailcow documentations .
Beside mailcow, Virtualbox is installed and hosting a vm machine, which is running nginx proxy manager.
Im connected to the server through anydesk most of the time and System monitor is running all the time, so i can check the system states.
The highest CPU spike is around 40%
Memory usage 8.4 gb most of the time, sometimes goes up to 14 gb
When i open the mentioned messages that conatin many replays, then i check the logs and honestly dont see anything unusual!
Interestengly though, i noticed that the computer on which i open the message, starts to sweat up when i try to make a replay on one of those messages!
I’m using a gaming laptop with i7 12th and 32gb of ram, and when i try to replay to any of the messages that has 30+ replays, the laptops fans start to run so fast as if im playing a game!
Same thing on other computers, they get slower when i try to replay to any of those messages with 30+ replays!