RajGuru878 Hi, I am installing mailcow, containers are successfully running apart from mariadb container. It is continuously restarting. Also i am unable to see anything in .env file. Can anyone pl help me in this. plz find attachment for website error . /)
esackbauer https://docs.mailcow.email/troubleshooting/debug/ Is your server running on a supported platform and has enough ressources?
RajGuru878 @esackbauer Yeah, server had enough resources. It is running on 8GB of RAM and 500GB of HDD with ubuntu 22 server. i am not able to see anything in .env file, It had some c link to mailcow.conf and it is also empty.
esackbauer Maybe your docker and docker compose versions are too old? Ubuntu 22 ships with rather old versions, this is why the installation docs tell to install directly from docker.
RajGuru878 esackbauer 27.0.3 docker version is running on my ubuntu server. Can you please check and share .env file or whole source code with with me which contains .env file also. I am not able to see anything in .env file it is empty and linked to some other folder. ( mailcow/mailcow-dockerizedblob/master/.env )
DocFraggle Maybe you, too, hit this bug: mailcow/mailcow-dockerized5927 Try to remove the search line from resolv.conf or revert the phpfpm version