I have installed mailcow from scratch twice. And both times I get the same problem. Both time the mailcow install is behind the Nginx of CloudPanel.
What works: literally everything: pop, imap, activesync, sogo webmail, relayhost, etc… as well as going to mail.mydomain.com then logging in.
What does not work: after log in on mail.mydomain.com I get redirected to mail.mydomain.com/debug which is a simple white page with nothing in it.
The HTML content is
The header is :
Request URL:
Request Method:
Status Code:
200 OK
When I go to mail.mydomain.com/admin, everything goes well.
My TZ in mailcow.conf is Etc/UTC. I have tried Europe/London also, and it did not help.
There are no error logs in docker or nginx. Everything seems good. Except that when I arrive on mail.mydomain.com/admin I quickly see a redbox at the bottom that says “Array” with no further details.
The problem is with this line of debug.php:
$StartedAt = date_parse($container_info[‘State’][‘StartedAt’]);
If I add:
echo “Container Info: ”;
print_r($container_info); // Print the entire container_info array for debugging
I get: Container Info: Could not resolve host: dockerapi