Hello all,

So as this year goal I have decided to reduce spending and one big chunk of yearly $ bleed is various hostings…

I can migrate the web stuff just fine and already did for most of my domains, to single server hosted in Hetzner ( these are non critical and if they go for a day or two before I restore nothing happens )… I use Traefik V3 as reverse proxy and bunch of docker containers with web stuff behind it.

I’m thinking migrating all the mail related stuff to this server as well, and Mailcow come highly recommended but I’m not clear on some things before I run it.

When creating the docker compose file I’m asked for mail.domain.com so I create DNS entry for one of my domains to point to to the server under mail.something.com

What is this domain used for ? How are handled other domains like I need mostly separate mails like:


from what I understand the mailcow have its web interface is this what the main mail.something.com is for ?or is it also for something else ?

Well thinking about it now, I might need to label the nginx container for each mail.<domain>.com I want to use ?

I’m confused about this a lot….

Its not so complicated, you name your mailcow instance mail.domain1.com
That will be the name the Mailcow UI is using, where SOGo is running under. And also it is your first domain where you can create mailboxes under.
Just add additional mail domains, but before make sure you create MX, SPF and DMARC records pointing also to mail.domain1.com

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If you want to make the mailcow and SOGo UI’s also to be reachable via mail.domain2.com etc. then you need to set
docs.mailcow.email Icon Advanced SSL - mailcow: dockerized documentation

Also you should create ALL the needed certificates on Traefik as this will be the focal point for Lets Encrypt.
You need to copy those certificates then from Traefik to mailcow according to this:
docs.mailcow.email Icon Advanced SSL - mailcow: dockerized documentation

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