This might be a silly thing to ask here but I’ve been running my Mailcow server for over a year with 4 of my personal domains on it. Recently, I noticed that any mail I sent to gmail accounts were going immediately to the spam folder of the recipient. I discovered a few days ago that the IP block my VPS is hosted on was listed in the RATS blacklist. They’ve moved my server to a different IP block that is not on RATS, or any other blacklist. Since the move 3 of the four domains are making it through to the inbox, but one is still going to spam every single time. The fact that the other three are now working indicates to me that the IP address was the major problem, but I can’t seem to figure out why the other one is still going to spam. I’ve double checked my SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records and they all match each other and pass inspection on MX Toolbox. The domain doesn’t appear to be on any blacklists. This isn’t a huge deal since I don’t really send from this domain anyway but it’s still bugging me that I can’t figure out why they won’t get through the spam folder. Anything else I should be checking or does anyone have any other ideas? The domain is

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This might sound like a dumb question but all four of my domains are on the same server, with the same IP address, and all have as the mx record address, how would mail from 3 out of the 4 make it through the spam filter but one does not if these blacklists were the cause of the problem?

So, it turns out all four of the domains are going to spam, so I was wrong in thinking it was only one of them. So, it could be the blacklist thing. I was able to delist it from two of them but I can’t get rid of the other two. So, I really don’t know what else it could be. Does anyone have any other ideas?

Seems your hosting provider has some problems with spammers, if the new range is also already on blacklists.
I can only recommend changing the hosting provider to a more reliable one, or using a SMTP relay like sendgrid.

Thanks again for the assistance everyone! I setup sendgrid and it’s working as expected now.

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