I have been in service for several months now a mailcow server.
I have a little problem when I send an email to x@null.net (*) and to alias@null.net (**)
Indeed, this one is received twice by x@null.net. Is there a way to only receive the email once?

(*) x@null.net = mailbox
(**) alias@null.net = aliase to x@null.net, y@null.net

  • Please update, it should filter those mails now.

  • diekuh

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    Moolevel 110


To be found in /mailbox (“Filter” tab).

Use x@null.net as username.

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Thank you for the feedback
However, I have multiple aliases and multiple users included.
While looking, I will try to play with the filters sieves and in particular with the plugin “duplicate”
If someone has already set up, it interests me.

  • diekuh

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  • Best Answerset by diekuh

Please update, it should filter those mails now.

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