Hey Mailcow,
I have been fiddling with mailcow for a couple of painstaking days and at this point of time, I really could use some help. Here’s my scenario.
I’m using Linode to host my Mailcow Dockerized instance. This is my Domain DNS setup:
domain.com -> primary.server.IPv4.address
domain.com -> primary.server.IPv6.address
mail.domain.com -> mail.server.IPv4.address
mail.domain.com -> mail.server.IPv6.address
www -> primary.server.IPv4.address
www -> primarry.server.IPv6.address
autoconfig -> mail.domain.com
autodiscover -> mail.domain.com
domain.com -> 10 -> mail
I’ve also setup SPF, DKIM and DMARC policies and the tests have been successful so far on MXtoolbox
I have no problems sending out emails from SOGo, but I can’t seem to receive any emails. I’ve setup logs using:
docker-compose logs --tail=200 -f postfix-mailcow dovecot-mailcow
and sent test email but it doesn’t seem to capture anything.
What else can we do to test this?