
I’ve set up my server a few days ago on a virtual server.

It is reachable under mail.domainA.link.

If i send mails from xyz@domainA.link to my gmail account everything is fine. Now I’ve set up the same configuration for two domains I bought a few weeks ago. (domainB.de; domainC.org).

If I send mails from either of these domains, they are marked as spam by gmail (even though SPF, DKIM and DMARC are marked as PASS).

I have two reasons in my mind why this could be the case:

1) They are marked as spam as the hostname of the server “mail.domainA.link” does not match “domainB.de” and “domainC.org” (but matches “domainA.link” which would allow those mails to go through) and therefore marks them as spam

2) Google treats those two domains badly as they are relatively new and therefore could be used for spam purposes

Is anyone able to confirm or disprove one of my hypotheses? Or has anyone an idea what other reason could lead the mails to be blocked?

Additional info: I’ve used xyz@domainA.link with another mail service (posteo). Is it possible that gmail therefore “got to know” my domain as trustworthy and keeps it this way, even though it is sending from a new server?

Thank you for helping me.

  • diekuh

    • Community Hero
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    Moolevel 110

New IP, new domain, new ip/domain combination.

We cannot change that. If you NEED to deliver to mailbox without any warm-up, you need to use a paid relay. We offer relays for cows in support.

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    So, are you saying that it will probably resolve itself in some time?

    If so what time period would you expect for this (days, weeks, months)?

    • diekuh

      • Community Hero
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      Moolevel 110

    Depends on the IP (networks of cheap VPS providers will probably always have a bad reputation) and the amount of mail. It may or may not resolve. Get in contact with the postmaster team and ask what you can do. Register to their postmaster tools etc.

    The IP-Address is apparently fine, as mail from @domainA.link is received by gmail.

    So it seems like the domains are the problem. Unfortunately I have no other “older” domains to try it out with.

    I might try it again with a subdomain of domainA.link and check if this goes to spam, but I’m not sure if I can draw any conclusions from that expirement 😃

    Maybe I should also check if other mail adresses from @domainA.link are accepted (as as I said I used xyz@domainA.link previously and gmail might only therefore accept it).

    Nevertheless, thank you for your help.


      I might try it again with a subdomain of domainA.link

      Tried it with server.domainA.link => Goes to spam in gmail.

      Maybe I should also check if other mail adresses from @domainA.link are accepted (as as I said I used xyz@domainA.link previously and gmail might only therefore accept it).

      Tried it with dev@domainA.link => Goes to spam in gmail.

      Therefore I tried to send an email with my original mail address to a friend of mine that was never contacted by that address and the message and it seems like it also ended up as spam.

      Therefore my hypotheses:

      So it seems like the domains are the problem.

      turns out to be wrong and the mail from xyz@domainA.link is only accepted as it was previously seen in my gmail account and or may be in my google contacts.

      I contacted google with this form

      but I suspect it will take some time until I’ll get a response if ever.

      I’ll update this post with new information as soon as I have them available. Maybe other people face similar problems.

      Also: I received my first DMARC report for domainC.org with 4/4 passes. I still don’t know why all of these 4 messages ended up in the spam folder but at least I know for sure now that my DNS records are setup correclty.

      • diekuh

        • Community Hero
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        Moolevel 110

      We offer relay services for customers with support contract. So they don’t need to warm up IPs first.

      Pro tip: don’t use the cheapest ISP available. It takes months to properly warm up IPs.

      it hardly depends on the ASN and the general reputation of that IP and domain. It helps a lot when people mark your mails as safe and not spam, too.

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