Hey everyone,
i might not some help from you.
I enabled my quarantine with said values:
Retentions per mailbox: 100
Maximum size in MiB (larger elements are discarded): 100
Maximum age in days : 365
Redirect all notifications to this recipient: (is set and a valid mail address!)
Send a copy of all notifications (BCC) to this recipient: (is set and a valid mail address!)
Notification email sender: (is set and a valid mail address!)
Notification email subject: (a string)
i set my test mail address on a blacklist (MAILCOW_BLACK (999)) in order for rspamd to reject my mail.
I receive a rejection (554 5.7.1 This message does not meet our delivery requirements) but my mail is not pushed to quarantine nor do i receive a mail about it.
I restarted the whole cluster in order to propagate all changes.
Could someone help me and steer me into the right direction? I cant figure out what i am missing here?!