Hi, I’ve been running my mail server for a while now and there have always been problems with inexperienced users adding the mail to their e-mail program because the server is mail.domain.de. Now I thought to make the whole thing more user-friendly and wanted to add imap.domain.de, but failed miserably…
I tried to enter imap.domain.de in the config file at ADDITIONAL_SAN (and later, when it didn’t work, also at ADDTIONAL_SERVER_NAMES, which of course didn’t work either). I have set various things in my DNS settings, from A to AAA records and also things like _imaps._tcp unfortunately nothing has worked. Did I do something wrong in the config or the DNS settings, I don’t really know my way around.

Knowing exactly the errors you are experiencing might help giving you an answer.
As it is, it might be just anything.

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