what am i doing wrong on if the sogo “What is happening? - Please do not stop the stack while we are initializing the database or do other preparations.” screen is displaying several times every hour.
Self hosting updated to latest release ,Ubuntu 22.04, 32GB 8core
sogo.com i have tested 80 to 160 and now running WOWorkersCount = “160”;
Calculating 384×80 was the most logical but with that value SoGo was down for most the time
also changed
WOWatchDogRequestTimeout = 10;
from default WOWatchDogRequestTimeout = 30;
WOListenQueueSize = 40;
from default WOListenQueueSize = 16;
SOGoCacheCleanupInterval = 300;
from SOGoCacheCleanupInterval = 900;
but its still very instable, any advice?
Also is it possible to show another screen for the users instead of the debug page, most users are wondering whats happening, for an end users its to much info and raising more questions than answers.