Hi I have installed mailcow mail server in my own server, And I have configured the split delivery with outlook. All is working fine,
But now I am facing issue, that is If I send the mail to my outlook domain, my message goes in spam folder.
Another issue is If I send the mail to my personal mail like gmail.com, it is not send the mail to my mail account. It shows the following error.
The IP you’re using to send mail is not
authorized 550-5.7.1 to send email directly to our servers. Please use the
SMTP relay at 550-5.7.1 your service provider instead. For more
information, go to 550 5.7.1
l11-20020a17090ac58b00b002a2e545eac4si9940168pjt.87 - gsmtp (in reply to
end of DATA command)
Kindly help us to resolve the issue.