Hello everyone!
I have problems since the last update to connect to Maria-DB from external services.
Created a docker-compose.override.yml and add this code:
- 3306:3306
From localhost (docker host) I can connect to Maria-DB (tested with e.g. telnet localhost 3306).
From another host ( connect to the docker host (mailcow host) direct to ip in the same network (_ e.g. telnet 3306_) I have no connection, nothing comes back:-(.
Before I installed the last mailcow update this config works fine.
Now I have tested, if I removed this code here from docker-compose.yml I can connect to Maria-DB host and everything is working fine. BUT WHY? Is the network mailcow-network restricted?
- mysql
The funny thing, without any other config I can connect to IMAP, SMTP from the other host ( Firewall between the hosts are off.
I have a second test (started with docker run) some Maria-DB like this here:
docker run --detach --name some-mariadb --env MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -p 444:3306 mariadb:10.5
To this instance mariadb I can connect without any problem from other host. I think it some config from mailcow.
Any ideas thank you for every help!!!