I am pretty new in using MailCow and I already read several discussions about that topic. But I would like to use MailCow to get all my mail accounts centralized. I got my own domain which is no problem to use, but I would also like to use several freemailers sending mails - mostly for testing. Receiving I already set using Fetchmail that I can use rules and SPAM-filters.
I saw that MailCow has a possibility to use domain-based smarthosts, but i would like to use mail-based smarthosts, e.g. “mail1@provider1.com”, “mail2@provider1.com” and “mail3@provider2.net” and each one has different login credentials.
Seems I can do that using Postfix… I found some examples but looks like that mailcow integrated some queries for mysql for the credentials “smtp_sasl_password_maps”.
Where do I have to integrate my credentials so I can use different smarthosts using authentication depending on the used mail-address?
Thanks for your help… 🙂