I’ve managed to get mailcow up and running, but I have a question and I haven’t managed to fix it yet.
I have several domains that send newsletters on different servers and I want to prevent these newsletters from being sent via the IP of each server.
That’s why I got a VPS, through which I want to send these newsletters, where I have the mymail.pt domain, but I want the email address of each of the other domains to appear.
In other words, the Adomain.pt, Bdomain.pt, Cdomain.pt and Ddomain.pt domains send newsletters via Mymail.pt, but the sending address should appear newsletter@adomain.pt, newsletter@bdomain.pt, newsletter@cdomain.pt, newsletter@ddomain.pt and not adomain@mymail.pt, bdomain@mymail.pt …..
Can anyone help me?
I’ve already tried to do this, but it gives me an error. I tried “allowed send as” and everything else, putting in the domains and I couldn’t do it